Time, April 5, 2004

Asia's Divorce Boom の記事より。
TIME Research による90年と02年で Percentage of marriages ending in divorce を比較したグラフをみると、

  • JAPAN: 22%(1990)→38%(2002)
  • SOUTH KOREA: 11%→47%
  • HONG KONG: 13%→41%
  • SINGAPORE: 15%→26%
  • CHINA: 8%→15%

In Singapore, the number of divorces is up a third since 1990, while it has nearly doubled in Thailand. In Japan, a couple gets married every 42 seconds, but another couple will divorce before 2 minutes are up. In the past 20 years, the divorce rate has doubled in mainland China and tripled in Taiwan. And the divorce rate in South Korea now exceeds that of many European countries, including the U.K., Denmark and Hungary. Even in India --- where a wife was once considered so immutably tied to her husband that she was thrown on his funeral pyre if he died before she did --- sociologists estimate that the divorce rate is 11 per 1,000, up from 7.41 per 1,000 in 1991.

