"The Small-World Problem"追加補足


While many studies in social science show how the individual is alienated and cut off from the rest of society, this study demonstrates that, in some sense, we are all bound together in a tightly knit social fabric.

ただ、このin some senseという留保にあたる部分も、その数パラグラフ前でちゃんと述べられているのです。

Finally, when we state there are only five intermediate acquaintances, this connotes a closeness between the position of the starting person and the target person. But this is in large measure misleading, a confusion of two entirely different frames of reference. If two persons are five removes apart, they are far apart indeed. Almost anyone in the United States is but a few removes from the President, or from Nelson Rockefeller, but this is true only in terms of a particular mathematical viewpoint and does not, in any practical sense, integrate our lives with that of Nelson Rockefeller. Thus, when we speak of five intermediaries, we are talking about an enormous psychological distance between the starting and target points, a distance which seems small only because we customarily regard "five" as a small manageable quantity. We should think of the two points as being not five persons apart, but "five circles of acquaintances" apart - five "structures" apart. This helps to set it in its proper perspective.

だいたいだな、「6次のへだたり」とともにSNS関係で言挙げされることの多い「弱い絆(weak tie)」にしても、グラノヴェッターの原典*2をちゃんと読んで言っている人がどれほどいるか。「弱い絆」つうメタファもけっこうミスリーディングなとこあるぞ。ビジネスでは強いきずなより弱いきずなが重要だ、だから勤務時間中にミクシで人脈づくりに励んでも問題なーし、などと単純に考えないほうがいいと私は思う。まあ、この話はまた別の機会に。

*1: ミルグラム自身はこの論文で「仮説(hypothesis)」という言い方はしておらず、small-world problemと言ってます

*2: M.S.Granovetter(1973) The Strength of Weak Ties, American Journal of Sociology, vol.78-no.6, pp.1360-80.